01937 832 740
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01937 832 740
Or click here to use our online contact form.
This Play in a Day is for up to 35 KS2 or 3 pupils. The pupils will work with a facilitator throughout the day and have the opportunity to share a short performance to an audience of their choice at the end of the day.
Sally’s friends have noticed something different about her… She’s less stressed, she’s healthier and she’s happier than before! What’s changed? Simple… Sally has found yoga and she is not alone!
From wise yogis in India 5,000 years ago to Olympic athletes in the present day, yoga is proving to be an increasingly popular choice for people, young and old, who are looking to take time out from the stress of modern life.
Bend it like Bikram, Konflux’s colourful, funny and engaging Play in a Day about yoga, asks the question: how can yoga help young people? With the help of our hero Sally, we look at the origins of this ancient practice, and explore how yoga can improve focus, fitness and even mental health.
The workshop begins with a practical introduction to yoga, where your students will try out some simple breathing and stretching techniques. The group will then work together to create a Play in a Day exploring the world of yoga, and how it helps millions of people stay happy, calm and more mindful in an increasingly busy world.
More information about Play in a Day workshops can be seen here or ask one of our School Coordinators. You can call on 01937 832740, fill out an online enquiry form or email us directly on info@konfluxtheatre.co.uk