01937 832 740
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01937 832 740
Or click here to use our online contact form.
This Play in a Day is for up to 35 KS2 or 3 pupils. The pupils will work with a facilitator throughout the day and have the opportunity to share a short performance to an audience of their choice at the end of the day.
What is Diwali? Who celebrates this festival? Why is it celebrated? How is it celebrated?
The festival of light. One of the world's most important religious festival is explored through this Play In A Day script. Its story, traditions and modern day celebrations are brought to life in this play, which is designed to be accessible for children from all religious backgrounds.
More information about Play in a Day workshops can be seen here or ask one of our School Coordinators. You can call on 01937 832740, fill out an online enquiry form or email us directly on info@konfluxtheatre.co.uk